Bash Zimbra - Export All users Complete Mailboxs (Calendar,Emails,Folders, Etc) individually

Post date: Jan 16, 2018 3:13:24 PM

I we wanted to start backing up our users complete mailboxes individually. But we had two issues. First was that zmmailbox is a single threaded JAVA "program" and secondly we need this job done during our "off hours" (who really has off hours any more). In order to over come this I needed to have multiple but limited copies of zmmailbox running at the same time. Quickly we found that just feeding a list of users to zmmailbox resulted in a backup taking 13+ hrs.... 13 hrs to backup 983 users WTF. At any rate this script reduces that 13+ hrs down to just 3.10 hrs (still not the hour to hour and a half I was hopping for). While using only the built into tools on a standard box & not over whelming the box... provided you don't over provision the number of jobs that can one at one time.

This was  written on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6 box. 



MAXJOBS=8 # 8&10=same, 6=slower




ZMCONFIG=$(whereis zmlocalconfig | cut -d ' ' -f2)

LDAPSEARCH=$(whereis ldapsearch | cut -d ' ' -f2)

LDAP_SEARCH="${LDAPSEARCH} -x -h $($ZMCONFIG ldap_host | cut -d '=' -f2) -D $($ZMCONFIG zimbra_ldap_userdn | awk '{print $3}') -w$($ZMCONFIG -s zimbra_ldap_password | cut -d ' ' -f3) -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "

## Look for left over runtime files

if [ ! -z "$(find /dev/shm -type f -name "*")" ]; then

 echo "Found existing RUNTIME files, ending."

 echo "Found existing RUNTIME files, ending." >> "${LOG}"



## Functions

function _thejob() {




 ## Create runtime file

 touch /dev/shm/$THISID

 ## Remvoe old status log files

 find "${BACKUPS}/" -name "${USERN}.ok" -o -name "${USERN}.bad" -delete

 $ZMBACKUPCMD -z -m "${EMAIL}" -t 0 getRestURL '/?fmt=tgz' > "${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.tgz"

 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

  cat <<EOF > "${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.ok"

## Simple restore: (Skips dups, does not recreate deleted calendar events)

${ZMBACKUPCMD} -z -m '${EMAIL}' -t 0 postRestURL '/?fmt=tgz&resolve=skip' '${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.tgz'

## Full Restore:

${ZMBACKUPCMD} -z -m '${EMAIL}' -t 0 postRestURL '/?fmt=tgz&resolve=reset' '${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.tgz'



  echo > "${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.bad"


 ## Backup LDAP info (although we can't restore it ... yet)

 $LDAP_SEARCH "(&(objectClass=zimbraAccount)(mail=${EMAIL}))" > "${BACKUPS}/${USERN}.ldif"

 ## Remove runtime file

 rm /dev/shm/$THISID



date > "${LOG}"


## List all users

/var/opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -l gaa | grep cfranklin  | while read EMAIL; do

 ## Ignore Archive accounts

 if [[ ${EMAIL} != *".archive" ]]; then

  echo "${EMAIL}"



) | while read EMAIL; do

 echo "Working on : $EMAIL" >> "${LOG}"


 while [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; do


  while [ $CURJOBS -lt $MAXJOBS ]; do

   if [ ! -e /dev/shm/$CURJOBS ]; then

    echo "Started : $EMAIL : $CURJOBS"  >> "${LOG}"

    ( _thejob $CURJOBS "${EMAIL}" ) &

    sleep 1

    if [ -e /dev/shm/$CURJOBS ]; then








  if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; then

   if [ $CURJOBS -eq $MAXJOBS ]; then

    echo -n "Max Jobs running" >> "${LOG}"

   elif [ $CURJOBS -gt $MAXJOBS ]; then

    echo -n "."



  sleep 1




## Waiting for jobs to finish


while [ ! -z "$(find /dev/shm  -type f -name "*")" ]; do

 if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; then


  echo -n "Waiting for jobs to finish."


  echo -n "."


 sleep 1




date >> "${LOG}"